Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Turkey, Avacado...yumm!

I have to be honest, I got this idea from one of my top 3 favorite restaurants, Red Robin. They serve theirs on a croissant, I serve mine on good ol' sandwich bread. This is one of the very few things I voluntarily put mayonnaise on. My mom used to make BLT's all the time and would always add mayo. It just doesn't taste the same with out it.

The recipe is pretty straight forward from the name itself. Just add some salt and pepper on top of the tomato and avocado and you're ready for lunch!

4 strips of bacon (we like turkey bacon)
Romain lettuce
1 ripe tomato
A few slices of turkey lunch meat
1 avocado
2 Tsp Mayo
4 pieces of bread

Cook the bacon and pile up the sandwich! It's easier to smash up the avocado (or use guac). Otherwise the sandwich is much too tall to take a bite and pieces of avocado slide out onto your plate. Serve with some kettle cooked BBQ chips and you're ready for one delicious lunch!

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