Chicken ala Murphy

This recipe comes from a family friend, whom we like to call Aunt Estelle. Something she just "threw together". It's one of my favorite recipes in my cookbook! I added the mushrooms, because I'm a mushroom fanatic, so you can leave them out if you want to. I've cooked it several times, but most recently was at the Hembree's house in Flo-rida. In reality, Kristen did the cooking, and it was awesome! She's such a great little wifey. So here is a super easy, super yummy chicken dish from Mississippi!

Chicken ala Murphy
6 chicken breasts
1/2 cup flour
Salt and pepper
3/4 stick of butter
1 package pre-sliced, pre-washed mushrooms
2 cups green onions (yep, 2 cups)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can golden mushroom soup
1/2 cup water

Mix the soups and water together in a bowl, set aside. Salt, pepper, and lightly flour the chicken. Melt the butter in a large frying pan, brown the chicken in the butter. Once chicken is cooked (about 15 minutes), remove it. Saute the mushrooms and onions in the butter (add more if necessary). Add the soup mixture and the chicken to the pan. Cover and cook for about 25 minutes at medium heat. Serve over rice. Enjoy.

We had the privilege of being the first ones to eat at their adorable dining room table! Love my Florida friends.

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